News & Views Banner Ad
Your ad in the inbox of NABT members.
News & Views, the NABT monthly electronic newsletter, delivers timely content on professional development opportunities, insightful teaching resources, member highlights, state/province, affiliate, and regional happenings, professional society notices, award possibilities, upcoming events, and other news of current interest to educators.
Benefits of News & Views Advertising:
Exclusive opportunity - 1 sponsor per send
NABT’s members are highly engaged - with average open rate of 31%
Sent directly to the inbox of 13,000+ science educators and industry professionals
$1,250 per issue
News & Views Sponsored Content
Position yourself as a Thought Leader within the industry and share your expertise with the NABT community through this custom content opportunity.
News and Views Content: 75 -100 word intro with a link to content to learn more
Image or company logo can be submitted to accompany the piece
Content will be placed mid-newsletter with a background and title bar indicating that the piece is sponsored content
$1,750 per issue
Submitting your
display ad:
Ad Specs:
480 x 60 pixels banner
Sponsor banner and linking URL are due by the 20th of the previous month
Banner must be sent as a PNG, JPEG, or GIF (Banner can be static or animated)
Submitting your sponsored content:
75 -100 word intro with a link to content to learn more
250 pixels or less
File size less than 100K
Format must be PNG, JPG, or GIF